Alliance of Climate Frontline Communities


Alliance of Climate Frontline Communities (ACFC) working towards climate justice that recognize and compensate our knowledge, resilience and struggles, lead global climate change policy dialogues and fiscal negotiations.


Alliance of Climate Frontline Communities (ACFC) empowers frontline communities by amplifying our voices and experiences in the global climate dialogue, advocating for policy reforms, securing compensation and fostering intersectional solidarity.



Research and Documentation: Conduct research initiatives that document the experiences, narratives and contributions of frontline communities to build a repository of their knowledge. Intersectional Solidarity Initiatives: Promote and nurture solidarity across different communities and movements to ensure an inclusive and equitable climate justice. Knowledge Sharing: Facilitate the exchange of knowledge and innovative practices among frontline communities to strengthen their resilience and adaptive capacities. Public Awareness Campaigns: Facilitate campaigns of frontline communities on the narratives of climate frontline communities, denial of intergenerational equity, demands for compensations at national and international levels. Advocacy and Policy Reform: Actively engage in national and international forums, UN mechanisms to advocate for policies that recognize the frontline communities as Climate Faculties and compensate the contributions, allocate proportionate share in the climate fiscals. Capacity Building: Provide training and resources to frontline communities to enhance their ability to lead climate actions and participate effectively in policy discussions. Partnerships and Collaborations: Build strong partnerships with NGOs, governments and other stakeholders to support and amplify the voices of frontline communities.

Alliance of Climate Frontline Communities (ACFC)

Alliance of Climate Frontline Communities (ACFC) working towards climate justice that recognize and compensate our knowledge, resilience and struggles, lead global climate change policy dialogues and fiscal negotiations. Increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from industrialized nations, has severe global consequences as the Earth heats. The global temperatures have risen by 1.2°C above pre-industrial levels and sea levels have risen 20 centimeters since the late 19th century, rising about 3.3 millimeters per year, the phenomenon world recognize as Climate Change. Structural and systemic forms of discrimination, oppressions and exclusions have created historically oppressed communities and pushed them into vulnerable geographic locations. The same very historical reasons are by default discriminated the frontline communities from the climate discourses. Historically oppressed communities experience the “first and worst” impacts of climate change. The climate change narratives define us as “victims” or “communities disproportionately impacted”, hence we are denied intergenerational equity. Climate debates failed to recognize our relentless struggle against oppressions that produced in-depth knowledge and devised numerous adaptation practices across the situations. We, Frontline Communities from historically oppressed backgrounds identify ourselves as knowledge producing communities and redefine ourselves as Climate Faculties.

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